mixed media collage
305mm high
305mm wide
30mm deep
Decades of memories were formed driving past this little building at Canberra Croquet Club, festooned with blossoms in spring, bleak and bare in winter — two of the iconic moods of Canberra
Please note, this artwork is currently on exhibition at Belconnen Arts Centre and will not be available for pick-up or delivery until the exhibition has closed. Please check the Belco Arts website for exhibition dates.
305mm high
305mm wide
30mm deep
Decades of memories were formed driving past this little building at Canberra Croquet Club, festooned with blossoms in spring, bleak and bare in winter — two of the iconic moods of Canberra
Please note, this artwork is currently on exhibition at Belconnen Arts Centre and will not be available for pick-up or delivery until the exhibition has closed. Please check the Belco Arts website for exhibition dates.