mixed media collage
203mm high
203mm wide
18mm deep
Before the lake became big enough to be swimmable, we went to Manuka Pool in our scorching summers. It still sits virtually unchanged in all its Art Deco splendour at the end of Telopea Park.
Please note, this artwork is currently on exhibition at Belconnen Arts Centre and will not be available for pick-up or delivery until the exhibition has closed. Please check the Belco Arts website for exhibition dates.
203mm high
203mm wide
18mm deep
Before the lake became big enough to be swimmable, we went to Manuka Pool in our scorching summers. It still sits virtually unchanged in all its Art Deco splendour at the end of Telopea Park.
Please note, this artwork is currently on exhibition at Belconnen Arts Centre and will not be available for pick-up or delivery until the exhibition has closed. Please check the Belco Arts website for exhibition dates.