Kirstin Guenther | Light & Substance | Painting | Deep gold and blues liminal catenary 3
Kirstin Guenther | Light & Substance | Painting | Deep gold and blues liminal catenary 3

Kirstin Guenther | Light & Substance | Painting | Deep gold and blues liminal catenary 3

Kirstin Guenther
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Kohzo paper, ink, oil pastel
700mm high
800mm wide
1mm deep

Contemplating moments in time, different sensations felt with different mediums. Drawing, painting on both sides of kohzo paper, inks, oils pastels, acrylic paints. Matte medium unifying the marks, stabilising and causing the kohzo paper to become more transparent. The fascinating catenary form is created by a chain suspended from two points. Bees ‘festoon’ by linking their legs, also make a catenary. It is believed they do this to measure space, communicating to design their comb. Creating strength, form and community through connection.

Please note, this artwork is currently on exhibition at Belconnen Arts Centre and will not be available for pick-up or delivery until the exhibition has closed. Please check the Belco Arts website for exhibition dates.